Course Syllabus
Cerritos Community College
Personal Self Defense
PEX 147, 25942 & 25943
Fall 2019
Instructor: Rhonda Wikert Hoag, M.Ed.
Mailbox: HPEDA Office
Office location: HPEDA Office
Office hours: Tuesdays 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM or by appointment
Class hours: Monday 6:00 PM – 7:50 PM
Location: Gymnasium
Course Description:
This course is designed for all students and provides knowledge of Personal (street) Self Defense. Students will expand their knowledge about self protection, identify Self Defense techniques acceptable by California State Law, develop skills in situational awareness, acquire skills attack response, close range/far range defense, falling safety, escape techniques, and safe training practices.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Demonstrate the non-physical strategies such as boundary setting and psychological defenses.
- Demonstrate knowledge of personal safety in such places as the home phone, elevator, car, street, and travel.
- Perform basic techniques of self defense such as defensive stance, heel palm, knees, kicks, jabs, etc.
- Recognize patterns of acquaintance/date rape.
- Demonstrate basic techniques in rape reversal situations.
- Recognizing patterns and using skills and strategies for employing physical defense when necessary.
- Understand limits of Self Defense according to California State Law.
Student Learning Outcome:
- Demonstrate proper ready position and physical defense techniques for a front attack.
- List strategies for staying safe on a date.
Method of Presentation:
- Demonstration, lecture, participation, individual feedback.
Classroom Procedures:
The class will include the following:
- Lecture/discussion
- Warm-up exercises
- Strengthening exercises
- Self Defense techniques
- Stretching
Student Responsibilities:
- Regular class attendance, promptness, and participation.
- Non-restrictive athletic apparel and proper athletic shoes.
- Complete midterm exam and final exam.
- Complete class assignments.
- Complete class physical evaluations.
Course Resources:
- Handouts and other pertinent information provided in-class and/or online by the instructor.
Locks and Lockers:
- Lockers, locks and towels will be issued by the attendants in the locker areas.
Grading Policy:
Each absence will result in the loss of 10 points from the total.
Make-ups are available in the form of written assignments.
Forms will be handed out and discussed at a later date.
Arriving late or leaving early will result in a loss of points.
NAME TEST 10 points
PRACTICUMS 25 points
MID TERM EXAM 30 points
FINAL EXAM 50 points
TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE FOR THE COURSE.......................400
Grading Percentages
A = 360-400 points (90-100%) C = 280-319 points (70-79%) F = below 240 points
B = 320-359 points (80-89%) D = 240-279 points (60-69%)
How assignments can be completed in the event of a student's excused absence:
This course will include some graded in-class activities that will not be possible to recreate. If you expect to have an extended absence or multiple absences, please speak to me about the feasibility of keeping up with the course.
If you miss graded assignments other than the in-class activities due to an absence or an excused absence, I will work with you to help you make up the work through comparable, and some times, alternate assignments.
It is the student’s responsibility to notify me in advance of their need for accommodation of a disability that has been verified by the College.
Students with disabilities who need reasonable modifications, special assistance or accommodations in this course should promptly direct their request to the course instructor. For information or an appointment call (562) 860-2451, extension 2335; (562) 274-7164 (VP) or (562) 467-5006 (FAX).
Electronic Device Policy:
Electronic devices such as cell phones, beepers, IPODS, etc. can disrupt the students and the teacher and should be turned off during the class time. If disruptive to the class and/or instructor, these devices can be held by the instructor until the class period has ended.
Academic dishonesty...
Plagiarism or any other form of academic dishonesty will result in no credit (0 points) on the assignment or examination without an opportunity for make-upand can result in a failing grade in the class (as stated in the Cerritos College General Catalog). Academic dishonesty is attempting to obtain credit for work by the use of any dishonest, deceptive, or fraudulent means. Examples would include: copying from another’s test or exam; discussion of answers on an exam when the instructor prohibits such discussion; obtaining copies of an exam without the instructor’s permission; using notes (“cheat sheets”) or using information or devices not considered appropriate under the prescribed test conditions; altering a grade or interfering with the grading procedure in a course; allowing someone other than officially enrolled students to represent the same; plagarism=defined as the act of taking the ideas, words, or material of another and offering them as one’s own without giving credit to the source.
August 19, 2019 First day of classes
September 2, 2019 Labor Day
November 11, 2019 Veteran’s Day
November 28-29, 2019 Thanksgiving
December 13, 2019 Last day of classes
December 16-20, 2019 Final Exam Week
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Student Signature of Understanding of Syllabus
I am currently a student in PEX 147, Personal Self Defense. The instructor has reviewed the syllabus with the class. I have read the syllabus and understand the contents of the syllabus and policies regarding participation, assignments, attendance, absences, and make-ups.
Student Signature: __________________________________________________________________
Student Name Printed:______________________________________________________________
Health/Exercise Goal for this Semester: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |