Homeless and Housing Support
If your housing arrangement is unstable or temporary, you may qualify for some special benefits. Even if you do not qualify for an assistance program, this module has information for everyone on where to find help with housing. Please know you are not alone. This is a very common concern for California Community College students. Each campus in the California Community College system is required, by law, to have a Homeless Youth Liaison, and this person can help you determine what benefits you may be eligible for based on your living situation. Any student who lacks a “fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence” meets the federal definition of homeless. This includes students that are sleeping in cars, parks, etc. or students who are “couch-surfing”.
If you become verified with the Homeless Youth Liaison on your campus, and meet age and other eligibility requirements, you may qualify for the following benefits:
Priority registration for classes at any California Community College (eligibility requirements apply).
Automatic qualification for the California College Promise Grant (formerly known as the Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver) - you don’t have to pay tuition and some other fees (eligibility requirements apply).
Support with working through the Financial Aid process and other academic resources and referrals from the Homeless Youth Liaison (no eligibility requirements needed).
A Michigan homeless student talks about her experience - take a look!
The information in these modules is not intended to replace the services and advice from a medical or mental health professional.
Learn More
Select the options below to explore more about this topic.
Legal Resource for Homeless Youth Links to an external site.
Homeless Youth Handbook Links to an external site. was developed through a multi-partner effort including Bay Area Legal Aid, the Tipping Point Community, Google and Baker McKenzie. This tool is rich with information.
2-1-1 California is a statewide network consisting of county databases of resources and information regarding service providers or community agencies, such as emergency housing or public benefits, transportation or health care. This is a 24/7 service. Simply dial 211 from your telephone to be connected, or go online to the 2-1-1 webpage to find resources in your county. 2-1-1 is not currently available in all counties, please check the website for availability Links to an external site..
Provided by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development- this is a federally based Housing and Urban Development (HUD) website Links to an external site. that has information on shelters and emergency housing throughout the state, often by county.
These websites are also from HUD and give you links to the key personnel who serve your county. Here you have phone numbers and addresses of your county homeless assistance providers: Northern California Links to an external site. and Southern California Links to an external site..
Where is the Closest Help to Me?
Although this course has helpful information, it can't replace the face-to-face time we need sometimes. Need local help? Locate a health and mental health center near you.
Explore More
If you or someone you know is homeless, take the Homeless Quiz to find out if you're familiar with all the resources you can use.
Student Talking About Her Homeless Experience While In College – TED Talk - University of Michigan.
Captioned Version Links to an external site. -
San Francisco State Students Talk About Being Homeless And A Student
Captioned Version Links to an external site.
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