Sexual Health


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The college years are a normal time for young adults to explore relationships, sexuality, and intimacy. Students often experience their first serious relationships while enrolled in college, as well as casual sexual relationships. Older college students may be entering new relationships or have questions about long term relationships. Sexual expression may be part of a relationship, and there is information here about what is a healthy relationship. Also anyone who has had sex, is having sex, or is planning to have sex should be adequately prepared to protect themselves from negative health consequences and unwanted pregnancy. Today, health care providers have better-than-ever information and tools to screen for and treat Sexually Transmitted Infections, as well as an array of new options to prevent pregnancy. Misleading or confusing information about sexual health, consent, and that the risk of pregnancy can cause undue stress and anxiety. Here is a place to get the right information for your sexual health, and remember, if you think you have a relationship problem, you can talk about it and get help with a mental health counselor on your campus or through your county behavioral health department.

Check out the resources link at the bottom of every page to find the connection.

TED Talk by Joanne Davila on the components of a Healthy Relationship – it’s longer than most videos in this program, but worth the time if this is important to you right now.

The information in these modules is not intended to replace the services and advice from a medical or mental health professional.


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