Students tell us anxiety is one of the leading mental health issues they feel, and research shows that nearly 1 in 5 college students deal with anxiety on a day-to-day basis. The efforts involved in managing family, friends, and work, all while attending school, are primary instigators of anxiety. Anxiety at a lower level, is a part of most people’s lives at one point or another. It can also be a motivator for action in small doses. It becomes a disorder when daily life is disrupted; altering the ability to function normally. Irritability, fear, headaches, nausea, and panic are among many of the symptoms associated with anxiety that could use some intervention. There is good news in all this! You can manage your anxiety so it will not interfere with your college success! There are many proven ways to mitigate the down side of anxiety, and many are free and easy to learn. Mental health professionals are masters at helping learn anxiety management techniques. This may be a good time to make an appointment with one of these folks on or off your campus. Read on!
Students talking to students on Anxiety - take a look!
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The information in these modules is not intended to replace the services and advice from a medical or mental health professional.
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Select topics below to learn more about anxiety!
What does the Symptoms of Anxiety look like physically and mentally?
Spread the word about anxiety and obtain Additional Help For Anxiety.
Do you think you have General Anxiety Disorder?
Teens and college students can easily feel anxious trying to juggle school, work, friends, and family, while trying to figure out the rest of their lives. Anxiety Disorders are one of the most common mental health problems on college campuses. Find a therapist and learn more about how you can cope at Anxiety and Depression Association of America Links to an external site..
Too much to handle? Find out When to Get Help for Anxiety.
California Community Colleges Student Health Program (CCCSMHP) Links to an external site. is a statewide student mental health program being implemented within the California community colleges. CCC SMHP is one of several Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) initiatives funded by the voter-approved Mental Health Services Act (Prop. 63) and implemented by the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA Links to an external site.).
Where is the Closest Help to Me?
Although this course has helpful information, it can't replace the face-to-face time we need sometimes. Need local help? Locate a health and mental health center near you.
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Take the Anxiety Quiz to see how much you've learned!
Calm Links to an external site.- this 2017 App of the Year is available from the Apple App store for iPhones or Google Play for Android phones. The app focuses on simple guided meditations and help with sleep with songs, stories, and more. There is also a feature that promotes gentle movements, and a relaxing music section.
Insight Timer App Links to an external site. - This very popular app offers thousands of guided meditations, music tracks, talks and courses.
Healthjourneys Links to an external site. - this site has clinically researched, professionally crafted, guided imagery for specific conditions, created by renowned integrative mental health pioneer Belleruth Naparstek. You can get help for anxiety and also stress, depression, post traumatic stress and much more.
Natural Remedies to deal with Anxiety - find out more about natural remedies that can help deal with anxiety.
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